From children to couples to small groups, there are a variety of ministries and groups that help you become part of the HOPEWORKS family!

Strong families start with solid foundations. That’s why we partner with parents to help raise the next generation to become followers of Christ. Your infants, toddlers, and children have opportunities throughout the week to grow relationships with each other and with God.
The HOPEWORKS nursery is a clean, safe and nurturing environment where your infant will begin to discover who God is through the love and prayers from our volunteers. The HOPEWORKS nursery is available at the 11am service.

Hope Works Kids is the best place for your elementary aged child to build a biblical foundation for their life through Bible lessons, interactive games, engaging worship songs and small group time. Here they will be given the opportunity to start a life-changing relationship with Jesus, new friendships and develop into the leaders that God created them to be! HOPEWORKS kids is available at the 11am service.
Youth Ministry

The youth movement of HOPEWORKS exists for all 5th-12th graders. We exist to help students discover the plans and purposes God has for their lives in an environment specifically designed for them. Every Wednesday, students will experience creativity, biblical teaching, live music, competitions, and the opportunity to build authentic and healthy relationships.
The HOPEWORKS Youth ministry meets Wednesdays from 5:45 pm to 7:30 pm in the HOPEWORKS Youth Room.
Young Adult Ministry

The HOPEWORKS Young Adult ministry is a place of community and authenticity. Whether you are in college, a young professional, or seeking your next steps, we are a community of young adults thriving in life together! Check out our Home Groups and stay tuned for upcoming special events!
Mother’s Ministry
Discover “Entrusted“, a nurturing haven within HOPEWORKS, where mothers with children aged 0-4 come together to deepen their connection with Christ. Our ministry is a special space where young mothers seek solace, support, and spiritual growth. We understand the unique challenges and joys of this season in life and are here to walk this journey alongside you. Join Entrusted, and let’s explore the path of faith and motherhood together.
Women’s Ministry

Step into the world of WOW, which stands for Women of Worth, a vibrant community within HOPEWORKS that celebrates the inherent value and purpose of every woman. Here, we’re on a collective journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Whether you’re a mother, a working professional, or simply a woman seeking to embrace your worth, WOW is a welcoming fellowship where you can build meaningful connections, empower yourself, and strengthen your faith. Join WOW at HOPEWORKS and embark on a journey of spiritual enrichment.
Men’s Ministry

HOPEWORKS Mens Ministry is called Mighty Oaks. This is derived from Isaiah 61:3. As men are healed from past hurts, habits, and hangups and have no discrepancy between their life and their doctrine, they become Mighty Oaks. Such men stand strong in any storm, display the splendor of the Lord, and provide strength for their friends and family.
Some of the Mighty Oaks Mens Events include: Breakfast and Bible Study with Robert Borelli the fourth Saturday of each month in the HOPEWORKS Event Room, weekly Men’s Bible Studies, and Mighty Oaks events throughout the year.
Marriage Ministry

Marriage is the foundation of a community.
Marriage is the foundation of the family, and we want to help you build a solid foundation! We offer a variety of classes & groups to give you marriage-specific teaching & a community, where you can learn and grow together.
Freedom & Recovery Groups

We’re here to help.
It is for freedom that you have been set free! Our Freedom Recovery Group is for anyone seeking power from the Holy Spirit for deliverance, the truth of Scripture for freedom, and the fellowship from others for encouragement. We are committed to sharing experiences, strengths, and hope with each other in an open and confidential setting as we journey the path of freedom, together.
Home Groups

We grow greater together.
Life is a journey that wasn’t meant to be lived alone. Our Home Groups are a place where you gather together and share a meal, open the Word, pray together, and grow closer to Jesus and each other. Hope Groups are a place where you can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served, celebrate and be celebrated. No matter what stage of life you are in, there is a place to connect and grow with God and others. In Home Groups, no one stands alone.
Home Groups get together on a regular basis throughout the week to fellowship, share meals, study the Bible, pray for one another, and encourage one another. Home Group members grow closer to God and follow Jesus Christ – together.
Serving Opportunities

Build Relationships That Build The Church.
At HOPEWORKS we believe that every member is a minister. One of the greatest ways we can love others and grow in our faith is through discovering and deploying your God-given spiritual gifts in service to others. When you serve in the church, you begin to unlock your God-given purpose in life. There are many areas to roll up your sleeves and make a difference in the lives of others. We are saved to serve! At HOPEWORKS, we make it easy to use your gifts and talents here, all you have to do is sign up, click “Contact Us” below to get started!
Request more information.
For more information about any of our ministries, please submit your request using our contact form.